Understanding Remote Viewing

Remote Viewing

Remote viewing allows you to get information about a place or a person from a different area. You can use your clair gift to get information. This is sometimes called second sight or anomalous cognition.

Many people experience this but might not know they are right until they visit the place. Some businesspeople, such as Conrad Hilton, have acknowledged that remote viewing helps them to be successful.

There are differences between psychic receptivity and remote viewing. Remote viewing is a controlled process that anyone can learn to do, but it requires skills and practice to work.

Where Did Remote Viewing Come From?

Remote viewing comes from the Cold War and originated during World War II. The Soviets discovered that the United States was using military personnel to communicate psychically. Believing in their own psychic potential, the Soviets started a training program.

Remote Viewing Tests

The CIA funded the Stanford Research Institute to disprove remote viewing as a real psychic gift. Skeptics aimed to show that psychic abilities couldn’t be used in the military.

Physicists Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ investigated whether Extrasensory Perception (ESP) was real or fake. They tested psychics to see if they could identify distant objects. Items were buried, shielded with electromagnetic barriers, and hidden in cement to establish baseline readings before testing remote viewing.

Viewing Experiments

A psychic and artist named Swann from New York City claimed he could see anything in the universe using map coordinates. Though successful, skeptics thought he was memorizing maps.

Swann conducted random remote viewing sessions, coining the term “remote viewing” to describe accessing information about distant locations or objects without physical presence. This ability stuck, and the name became widely used.

Notable Remote Viewers

  • Pat Price, a former police officer with psychic abilities, was hired by the CIA for his exceptional skills.
  • Joe McMoneagle, associated with the Army and Defense Intelligence Agency, was known for sketching distant locations.

Coordinate Remote Viewing

Swann developed a six-stage system to teach remote viewing to others. This method separated mental signals from noise, allowing information to be recorded. At the end of the session, viewers would detach from the noise. This system formalized remote viewing protocols.

Princeton’s Random Number Generator Research

The PEAR program at Princeton University, led by Bob Jahn and Brenda Dunn, studied micro-psychokinesis and remote viewing. Participants predicted random events with staggering odds of 375 trillion to one.

Perception in Remote Viewing

Remote viewers describe their perceptions rather than rely solely on analytical thinking. They begin with general components (e.g., sizes, shapes, and colors) before moving to more specific terms. Confidence often inversely correlates with accuracy, so trusting feelings rather than overthinking is key.

Remote Viewing Program and Standards

A formal remote viewing program incorporates scientific standards and psychic methods. Sponsored experiments and analyses over decades have explored the potential of psychic perception.

What is Remote Viewing?

Remote viewing taps into the mind’s ability to access accurate information without a clear explanation. Right-brained individuals often excel due to their natural intuition.

Using Vibrational Resonance

Remote viewers access information through vibrational signals in space and time. These signals, similar to electromagnetic waves, provide data even from a distance. Reducing mental noise allows viewers to tune into these signals.

Abilities and Learning Remote Viewing

Talented psychics use their intuition to guide their remote viewing. Interaction with the universe connects them to new perspectives. To learn remote viewing, explore programs, books, podcasts, or the International Remote Viewers Association.

Final Thoughts

Though there’s no definitive explanation for how remote viewing works, many believe in its validity. Skepticism exists, as with all psychic gifts. Try it for yourself—meditate and see what remote viewing experiences you may have. Trust your own thoughts over the doubts of others.


  1. I found this article fascinating! The history of remote viewing and its connection to the Cold War is something I never knew about. It’s amazing how some people can tap into their psychic abilities. Can’t wait to try it myself! 🌌

  2. The distinction between psychic receptivity and remote viewing is intriguing. It’s essential to understand the methods involved, as they differ significantly. If you’re genuinely interested, learning about the protocols can provide deeper insights into this practice.

    • Absolutely! The structured approach described in the article helps clarify misconceptions about remote viewing. It’s not just random guessing; there’s a system involved that many overlook.

  3. ‘Trust your thoughts over the doubts of others’? Sure, because clearly, my random musings are far more reliable than scientific evidence. Let’s all just pretend we’re psychics now! 😂

  4. ‘CIA funded experiments on psychics?’ This is wild! It’s like a movie plot come to life. If only I could use my ‘psychic powers’ to predict lottery numbers—I’d be rich by now!

  5. ‘Vibrational resonance’? Sounds like something out of a sci-fi novel! Next, they’ll tell us we can communicate with aliens through our chakras. Just kidding—there might be some truth here, but it all sounds so whimsical!

  6. ‘Remote viewing’—really? How do we know these so-called ‘psychics’ aren’t just using tricks or memorization? This seems more like an elaborate magic show than a legitimate skill worth pursuing.

  7. ‘Confidence inversely correlates with accuracy’? That’s hilarious—sounds just like my exams in school! But really, it’s interesting how our mind works differently in these contexts.

    • ‘Using intuition to guide remote viewing’ is such an abstract idea. It’s almost poetic if you think about it—the interplay between thought and perception really does open up philosophical discussions!

  8. This article is just another attempt to legitimize pseudoscience. Remote viewing sounds like a made-up concept with no real evidence backing it up. I can’t believe people actually believe in this nonsense! 🤨


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