5 Ways to End a Fight Before it Starts

Arguments are to be avoided, they are always vulgar and often convincing, said the great Oscar Wilde. A small fight can turn a good day ugly. Well, you know how unavoidable they are in a relationship. Arguments and disagreements are regular occurrences in conversations that even remotely involve women. And you know how effortlessly they can beat you at it. We’re pitted against the best manipulative geniuses in the world; so, we ought to find another way around. We want to make up for our inability to bicker endlessly and fuel the fight. After all, a peaceful day ahead is what you want. This is how you can take control of the situation and sweep the argument under the carpet.

Here are 5 ways to end a fight before it starts.

1. Be Present


    • Your mate comes home from work and clearly he is not happy. He barely nods hello. Grabbing a beer, he slams the refrigerator shut. The bottle opener is buried deep in a drawer and he makes a lot of noise searching for it. Not finding a clean glass, he is forced to drink from the bottle. Unable to find chips, he swears under his breath. You ask, “Honey, what’s the matter?” Curt, he answers, “Nothing.” Clearly, something is brewing. Far out at sea, lightening strikes. What does this mean? Does he want a divorce? Or did he lose the football game pool at the office?

All human beings are fragile and tender creatures. We rarely know what we are honestly feeling at any given time. We are conditioned to bear the pain and keep marching. The slightest comment or perceived disrespect can easily cause us great pain, which naturally decays into ugly resentment. Touchy, we may attack when provoked.

In our fast paced lives, there is little time for meditation or to be present to the present moment and what we are feeling in that moment. Rather than jump into the fray, aspire to quiet meditation and aim for tranquility and quiet. Do your best to listen to yourself and your mate. Identify the feelings, allow them to exist and seek out their source.

woman-freaking-out2. Prioritize.

    • What is the cause of the current storm or threat to your relationship? Are you lucky, actualized and self-aware enough to know? If your answer is yes, then the next step is to prioritize the threat. Is this something to be worried about? Or not?

Create a scale. This can help you find a very clear and objective view to your situation. Zero is love and eternal happiness. Ten is divorce. Where does your current dilemma fall? Are you overreacting? Put things in perspective. More often than not, problems seem overblown at first.

3. Pause. Take a step back.

    • Arguing is dangerous if emotions run high and suddenly issues are invited to join the party that have been lying dormant. Perhaps those thoughts were best unsaid. When Humans are reactive and arguments tend to escalate.

A hurt animal needs time to lick its wounds. There are many times when your mate needs to be left alone. Give him time to sort it out and ponder. Hopefully he will do the same for you. It is a gesture of courtesy.

If an issue needs to be discussed, bring it up when you are both calm and can listen to each other without blaming or criticizing.

4. Seek a diplomat.


    • We need each other and fighting can signal a cry for help. If you are able to step away, a trusted confidante, particularly a neutral or positive one, can often be of great help in lending advice, comfort and counsel.

If you can remain objective, without reacting, you can be your own best mediator. It isn’t easy, but it’s possible. Put your own frustrations aside briefly to understand your mate’s perspective. Listen closely.

5. Give Something Up.

      • To heal an argument, always be prepared to sacrifice something. You and your mate are a team and together you are making a place for yourselves in this world. What can you give to find a solution? Ignore what you desire for his contribution, or lack thereof. Focus on your efforts. Yield to what’s best for “we” instead of focusing on the “me”. That’s the key to a long-lasting love affair.

Relationships are tricky business. Like managing a business, the job should not be taken lightly. Approach a problem, large or small, with great seriousness. It takes both of you to cross these worthwhile seas.