It’s part of human nature to talk to ourselves. The key is to discover what we are saying and figure out if the message is right. When we change from a negative message to an empowering one, we can alter the course of our lives. For me, I know I’m going to talk to myself, the question is: What am I saying?
Becoming mindful of the messages we rehearse allows us to modify them. Adopting a new mantra empowers transformation as we internalize a new life script. Here’s how it works. Let’s say you regularly tell yourself that you’re stuck or that you don’t know what to do next. On the surface this may look like discouragement and worry. Underneath it is an internal script made up of messages replaying in your mind and heart that shape how you think about yourself and how you respond to your situation.
Your Mantra Keeps You Positive and Strong
Do you buy new outfits to change your look as the seasons change? Do you change your mantra just as often as you can? If not, it may be time to. That’s because the same mantra doesn’t always work for us, year after year. If your well-being or path towards change is feeling stagnant or slow, it may be time to change things up. Ask yourself these questions to see if it’s time for a change:
1. Am I happy?
2. How is my health?
3. Am I using my creative energy?
4. Do I have a good life?
5. Do I enjoy the company of others?
6. Do I pay my bills on time?
7. Do I have a savings account and do I put money into it regularly?
8. Do I like my job?
9. Do I have good friends who treat me as well as I treat them?
10. Do I have a Plan B?
11. Do I have a strong sense of self?
11 is the Number of Enlightenment
You should ask yourself these 11 questions because 11 is the number of enlightenment. If you’ve answered “no” to any of these questions, you are not working toward your highest good and it’s definitely time to change your mantra. Mantras are a sound that you can say out loud or in your mind to bring a sense of peace and joy to your life. It is also possible and a good idea to have positive affirmations that can be used as mantras to deal with special needs that occur at different times.

One of my favorite mantras is from the lovely Tim Gunn. He says, “Make It Work.” This can be used when frustrated and in a mood where you are feeling like there is no way to get it done.
“I am bigger then my problems” is another mantra that lets you release negative thoughts about situations and allows you to find peace of mind so that you can accomplish your task.
“Today I will live in the moment” helps you take it one day at a time to develop what is needed to stay focused.
“Challenges and hurdles allow me to rise to my highest self” means that you are ready to take on a good challenge.
“I give as good as I get” makes you think about whether you give freely or with condition. This mantra rings in karmic energy.
“I will have ‘me’ time today.” How often do you really take time for yourself? Life moves so quickly that we often find ourselves too tired to do anything other than the daily grind.
Positive and Strong
If used properly, mantras work throughout our lives to keep us positive and strong. Mantras are the keys that unlock worry, ease the mind and release more mental energy. When we commit to taking care of ourselves on all levels (mind, body and spirit), we find that we can run like a finely tuned machine.
The importance of self-talk and its impact on our reality is a topic explored extensively in existential philosophy as well.
Asking the 11 questions seems like a good self-assessment tool. It provides a comprehensive look at one’s current state of life.
I appreciate the varied examples of mantras provided. They each serve different purposes and can be tailored to unique situations.
The concept of changing one’s internal dialogue is intriguing. It aligns well with cognitive-behavioral therapy principles.
Indeed. Modifying internal scripts can have a profound impact on mental health.
The idea of having a mantra for specific situations is practical. It gives one a toolkit for different emotional states.
I’m curious about the empirical evidence supporting the efficacy of mantras in inducing psychological change.
There are studies on the benefits of affirmations and mindfulness, but more research specifically on mantras would be enlightening.
Some psychological studies suggest that positive self-talk can reduce anxiety and improve performance. Mantras could be a form of structured self-talk.
It’s important to note that while mantras can be helpful, they should complement other mental health practices like therapy and meditation.
Agreed. A holistic approach to mental well-being is always more effective.
Absolutely, combining mantras with other health strategies can lead to better outcomes.
Changing mantras like changing outfits is an interesting metaphor. It underlines the need for flexibility in our approach to self-improvement.
Yes, it’s about adapting to the current needs and circumstances of our lives.